Tarot Reading


Tarot Reading


The Value is $30.00 for 30 min. (Donation is required first by ZELLE or Ko-fi)    Please note certain venues may have discounted prices, so be sure to inquire if the discount may apply. 

My ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight


What takes place during a reading? You are greeted and I welcome you to the site. I will begin to shuffle the Tarot Cards and while doing so I will ask you if there is anything in particular you would like me to focus on. Please refrain from giving me any details other than the area you are concerned with. ex; relationship, home, family, work, career, finances, health etc.

Once I finished shuffling the cards I will quietly send a prayer for your guidance. I will then begin to lay out the cards.

I ask that you hold all your questions till the end of the reading, for if, I do not answer what you are seeking during the reading in progress, I will look to see if it is there in the cards. Please know that although you may want to hear about a particular thing or situation that you "think "is utmost important, it may not be what is "needed" to be of help to you. How would I be of help if I told you what you wanted to hear? Anyone can do that. I have found that I best use my abilities to being of help, by giving you what it is I receive, and letting you know what you "need" to hear. There are many ways that can come through a reading in being of help to you. I can hear and see things, (Clairvoyance/ Clair-audience) I may smell something, feel something (Empathic) I may have a spirit come through for guidance to you, (Medium-ship). 

If I am to ask a question it is, and will be, just a confirmation that there is a connection made. I will not throw questions at you or want you to influence me or feed me things. I'm here for you. I will ask things such as, Do you understand? Can you relate to it? These are questions that will only need a yes/or no answer. Hence the reasoning for questions being held at the end of reading. The Value is $30.00 for 30 min. (Donation is required first  )    Please note certain venues may have discounted prices, so be sure to inquire if the discount may apply.  

My ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight










Your donation of $10.00 (US currency) will set this reading. Please note discount pricing may be available.   My ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight


During the reading of your palms, I will ask you to hold your hands in a variety of positions so that I can see as much as possible. It is important that you have as much light as possible on the palms, so I can see some clearly defined lines. I will read both palms and one at a time. Usually the left hand first, then the right. Also note that there is a lot to be seen in a palm, as I read, I will tell you all that I see. And let you know what it is you were destined to do and what you are choosing to do, (applying your own will and any environment influences that can be of help). If this reading is not done in person. The following pics must be sent to my e-mail sprinklesalot@yahoo.com. Your donation of $10.00 (US currency) will set this reading. I will then connect with you the day and time available and where it is to take place. Please note discount pricing may be available.  My ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight

Forecast: 1 year/or 6 mo.
 Forecast reading by sprinkles is a new concept of regular Deck of Cards. It incorporates the Planetary periods that gives two looks into, the yearly or 6-month period forecast. You will learn what your ‘Birth Card is’ and What your ‘Ruling Planet Card’ has to say about you. You’ll have a look of what is coming up into various areas that the planets reveal. So, like an Astrological chart, it too, will have insight for what will be coming up for you. The forecasting can be done for a 6-mo. period or the yearly period.

You can choose the date to start and choose what length. Some can have a past view others may want to seek what is coming up. Each reading can have a summary of a six month and/or yearly forecast. Also, provides dates to when the influence is happening! I have had some very favorable feedback and hope future participants will be happy with it too. So, if interested the Six-Month Forecast is $50.00. The yearly is $75.00. Both are reasonable prices suggested by those already participating.

There will be a deposit that is not refundable. $10.00 for the 6 mo. and $20.00 for the yearly. Deposits will go towards your purchase. Remaining payment balance is due prior to you receiving the Forecast. Which I will let you know when it is ready. It takes me at least a three – five-day period to produce the forecast. So hence the deposit. Lot of typing and lot of researching to bring the best for your forecast.

 $50.00 for a 6- mo. forecast   $75.00 for 1 Year forecast.   ko-fi. Please ask if a discount is available. 

 Link to Ko-fi below

My ko-fi page:  https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight






Interested in the Six-Month Forecast is $50.00. The yearly is $75.00. Both are reasonable prices suggested by those already participating. Make sure to ask for available discounts.


1 year/or 6 mo.
 Forecast reading by sprinkles is a new concept of regular Deck of Cards. It incorporates the Planetary periods that gives two looks into, the yearly or 6-month period forecast. You will learn what your ‘Birth Card is’ and What your ‘Ruling Planet Card’ has to say about you. You’ll have a look of what is coming up into various areas that the planets reveal. So, like an Astrological chart, it too, will have insight for what will be coming up for you. The forecasting can be done for a 6-mo. period or the yearly period.

You can choose the date to start and choose what length. Some can have a past view others may want to seek what is coming up. Each reading can have a summary of a six month or yearly forecast. Also, provides dates to when the influence is happening! I have had some very favorable feedback and hope future participants will be happy with it too. So, if interested the Six-Month Forecast is $50.00. The yearly is $75.00 Both are reasonable prices suggested by those already participating.

There will be a deposit that is not refundable. $10.00 for the 6 mo. and $20.00 for the yearly. Deposits will go towards your purchase. Remaining payment balance is due prior to you receiving the Forecast. Which I will let you know when it is ready. It takes me at least a three – five-day period to produce the forecast. So hence the deposit. Lot of typing and lot of researching to bring the best for your forecast.

 $50.00 for a 6- mo. forecast   or $75.00 for 1 Year forecast.  or ko-fi. Please ask if a discount is available. Link to get Zelle: Get Started With   and link to Ko-fi My ko-fi page:  https://ko-fi.com/sprinklesloveandlight
