"Astrology, You got to love it!"
Over the years I have come across many Astrologers. My husband was an Astrologer. So, I have a pretty good understanding of it. I think it is important to understand what, how, and when, an astrologer "delivers" the insight to us. What is taking place and how and when and what to expect for the challenges, opportunities and care, for what the planets may or may not have in our lives. I have a favorite and I just love the way he shares his insights to these heavenly bodies of influence. This Astrologer is Cheney Hall. He posts daily, his insights and is found on Facebook. His postings are packed with info and his delivery of info is insightful and right on! It is with deep appreciation that I share his postings here. You can feel the excitement and his love of sharing it with you. I take this opportunity to share his postings on my website, it is my way of saying, "Thank You" I hope you enjoy it as well.
Thank you, Cheney

Thank you Cheney <3
MAGICAL, MYSTICAL NEW MOON ... 2/27 ... 7:45 PM EST ... 9 DEGREES 41 MINUTES PISCES ... the final New Moon of the "astrological year" ... appropriately it is in a water sign which means the emotions will have an extra, more so than usual, influence and perhaps in particular because there are currently five planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune - transiting through the sign of Pisces ... Pisces as the final sign of the zodiac is said to bring culmination of something in our lives ... we are being encouraged to dig deep down and tap into our creative, spiritual energy (Neptune in Pisces) that will bring about stability, security and solid foundations (Jupiter, co-ruler, currently in Gemini) ... we are encouraged to stay grounded and work hard - with Saturn currently in Pisces - to bring into our lives whatever new ideas that will provide deeper personal and spiritual growth ... this is the last New Moon that will not have a personal planet in its configuration until April 27th so make it count !!!
New Moons are definitely times for new beginnings ... time to plant new "seeds" for growth in our lives to make ourselves better and more productive personally and spiritually !!!
However, not only might you be encouraged to make new beginnings in the area of life ruled by the house in which this new moon falls in your natal chart, but in the following areas as well addressing :
sleeping disorders
embracing chaos in ones life in order to manifest peace of mind and serenity
internal happiness
universal love and bliss
dealing with confusion
emotional sensitivity, psychic sensitivity and mystical states
giving in to a higher power through surrender and trust
spiritual awareness and channeling of spiritual power
spiritual healing
desire for inner peace, quiet time and spiritual purification
experiencing unconditional love through forgiveness, understanding, tolerance, acceptance and compassion
overcoming "victim mentality" which includes procrastination, panic attacks, deception, addictions and disappointments, defeatist attitudes
to release tendencies to over analyze
restoring health especially in regards to colds, the feet, the lymphatic system and poisoning and toxicity
This New Moon in Pisces encourages each one of us to be still, be quiet, to reflect deeply on our personal truths as to who we are, where we are going and how to manifest in our lives what it is that defines us individually as well as collectively ... to surrender excessive anxiety and trust in and stay connected to a higher power ... to develop humility ... to develop compassion ... to learn to love unconditionally and release the need for perfection ... to allow for deep emotional and spiritual cleansing ... it also brings about the greatest potential for breakthroughs by bestowing each one of us the ability to release and let go of that which no longer serves us but is only weighing us down !!!
Allow love and trust to flow in order for the Universe to work through you ... and with grace and humility, surrender your anxiety and open yourselves to trust and believe in a higher power to reveal to you the "bigger picture" allowing you to understand and embrace the unfolding of your personal "life plan" on a daily basis ... how will you be "magically" inspired by the Universe during this New Moon in Pisces ???
Feb 6 11:41 pm
ZZZZZZZAP !!!! ... and just like that, there was definitely something electric in the air as the planet URANUS completed its retrograde journey for 2024, which began back on September 1st, 2024 and stationed back into direct motion on Thursday, January 30th, at 11:22 AM EST at 23 degrees 15 minutes Taurus !!!
URANUS DOES NOT PLAY AROUND !!! ... it is the planet representing sudden and unexpected change ... it is a shocker ... it gives flashes of insight, rebelliousness and originality ... it represents eccentricity, genius, inventiveness, revolution, intuition and the sixth sense, and everything that happens out of the blue!!! ... Uranus questions and challenges authority, and transcends business-as-usual social and cultural ideas to come to new solutions ... it absolutely insists on freedom but there is also an understanding here that freedom must be learned one step at a time!!! ... it rules electricity, technology, computers, and all things on the cutting edge ... most importantly - at least to me !!! - it is the planet that rules Astrology !!!
While Uranus was in retrograde motion, it was time for all of us to ask what changes are occurring in the world and how we are contributing to or working against these changes - the ability to see the importance between your own personal changes and the ones occurring globally, and the connection between the two, should have become a strong focal point !!!
Uranus has literally been slowing down to shift direction and hovering at 23 degrees of Taurus since around December 15th, so it may have felt like there was an edginess and restlessness on some level of our lives especially with Mercury being retrograde from November 26th through December 15th as well as Mars being in retrograde since December 6th, 2024 !!! ... since approximately January 27th, it was, from an astrological viewpoint, literally vibrating at a near stand still at the 23 degree 15 minute mark of Taurus sending out its potentially disruptive and erratic "electrically charged" energy which may have proved to be a very sensitive point in whatever area of life is ruled by where this degree is in your natal chart !!!
After Uranus stations direct, many may experience some kind of sudden and unexpected occurrence, particularly in regards to any of the previously above mentioned traits, happening to or around them or even perhaps in regards to the area of life ruled by whichever house in your natal chart this change in direction has occurred !!! ... has anything happened perhaps within the last week that was sudden and unexpected in some area of your life or the lives of others you know ??? ... or has anyone felt more edgy and restless without really knowing why ???
There could be a lot of us who experienced elevated tension during this period ... in some cases there was most likely a sudden and unexpected change made out of the blue - or even a confrontational situation arose we were not expecting ... and until the direct motion energy completely settles in, there could be many sudden and unexpected instances of rebellion, disruption, explosions - of many varieties, and confrontations !!!
This 151 day Uranus retrograde occurred from 27 degrees 15 minutes Taurus back down to 23 degrees 15 minutes Taurus ... if you've had a natal chart run, then you might get a good clue as to where this Uranus retrograde may have impacted your life especially the day that jolt of energy began moving outward and forward once again !!! ... now that Uranus is direct we can expect the potential for many changes especially with Pluto having just reentered Aquarius back on December 19th, 2024 ... it's time to start putting those changes in motion in a positive and not confrontational, rebellious or negative manner !!!
As Uranus is currently in the late stages of transiting through the sign of Taurus - where the lesson of this energy is all about "awakening" through learning to stabilize - the Universe has been giving not only Taurus born - who may have especially felt the impact of this retrograde - but everyone a glimpse of things to come and where CHANGE WILL NEED TO BE AND MUST BE ADDRESSED and WILL ULTIMATELY TAKE PLACE while Uranus transits Taurus ... Uranus is considered to be in its "fall" in Taurus as it opposite to the sign it is exalted in which is Scorpio ... in "fall", a planet can have difficulty in expressing its real nature ... it is said that in "fall", it's like the planet is visiting in someone else's house where it does not really feel comfortable ... so does this make its often disruptive, rebellious nature even more challenging or modify it somewhat ??? ... each individual will discover that on their own during this transit !!!
With Uranus in Taurus, once someone decides they want something they usually will stick to their commitment ... there are often extremely strong feelings about money either good or challenging ... it can produce financial ups and downs quite suddenly and unexpectedly ... often one will move towards more concrete, innovative ways of making money ... there is extreme determination and purpose, but carried to extremes it can greatly interfere and slow down ones progress ... it is said that materialistic attachments could limit ones freedom of expression and have a stifling effect on spiritualistic impulses ... and certainly it practically goes without saying, but I will, that knowing the house placement(s) where this transit will occur in your natal chart will be very important to understand where in your life this energy may strongly manifest in your life !!!
Uranus in Taurus has the potential to be very strong and can bestow willpower and determination ... Uranus was last in Taurus from 1934/1935 through 1942 ... this was the period of the worst of the Great Depression as well as the trigger for World War II !!!
Uranus takes roughly 7 years to completely transit through each sign of the zodiac ... it entered the sign of Taurus on May 15th, 2018 ... Uranus will not complete its transit through the sign of Taurus until April 25th/26th, 2026 depending on which time zone in which you live !!!
Aquarius born individuals, you may especially feel the forward jolt or thrust of this powerful energy as your period of "hibernation" is over and it's time to move forward once again as well as having the Sun currently in transit through your birth sign ... what have you been thinking about in your life since September 1st, 2024 that needed some kind of change - major or minor ??? ... what unique things did you discover about yourself, and where have you felt a need to break free from something or someone in order to express your individuality ???
Uranus remains in direct motion until September 6th ... this forward motion will take Uranus from 23 degrees 15 minutes Taurus up to 1 degree 27 minutes of Gemini - yes Uranus will begin its initial transit through the sign of Gemini briefly on July 7th, 2025 before taking its next retrograde journey ... so now we all have this energy - to be different, to be independent, to be rebellious, to have our own freedom and to do things suddenly and unexpectedly - thrust outward - LOOK OUT !!!
We are now being "charged up" to boldly and assertively move forward into this New Year to progressively bring about change and independence somewhere in our lives and within the collective in order to promote further personal and spiritual growth - "SHOCKING" ISN'T IT ???